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November 12, 2008


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Hi Kim,

Thanks for visiting my blog, and I can't wait to see more of your work on http://www.AestheticSpace.com.

Annabelle was just "mooing" at her cow costume as it hung up in the closet this morning. She's growing so fast, I doubt it still fits!

write well,
Coach Marla

Dr. Carolyn, Thanks for your comment...I'm glad you liked this post.

I'm learning that there's nothing better than a toddler to teach me how to "Go with the Flow." :-)

Coach Marla

Hey Marla,
Your blog looks great. I LOVE the cow costume. And I'm ready to relax into some new possibilities!

Love this post!!! So many times we try to make life what we want it to be instead of relaxing and going in the direction that it's taking us. Annabelle wins!

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