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March 09, 2009


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This is good. Probably why I'm revamping my whole way of thinking about writing right now. Trying to come up with an actual schedule. Although I DO consider revising to be a part of writing. AND writing my blog posts, though a different form of writing. My categories are:
WRITING (first drafts, revising, research for the project itself, and ideas)
BLOGGING (my own posts)
NETWORKING (comment on others' blogs, forums, twitter, facebook, etc.)
MARKETING (query letters, publisher/editor research)
and MISC (the admin. stuff)
That's a lot! How do people fit it all in?

Hi Andres,

Thanks for stopping by The Relaxed Writer and leaving your comments. Sorry to put a wrench in your productive procrastination scheme...but what's a life coach to do?


I'm a procrastinator to the max. It makes me feel awful and unproductive yet I can't seem to stop the cycle at times. I even have a blog that I started months ago that I don't keep up with anymore. This article has provided me some inspiration and peace knowing I'm not alone!

This just throws a wrench in my whole productive procrastination scheme!

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