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October 20, 2011


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Come back and let us know if you decide to do Camp NaNo, Julie!

And thanks for your comment today. -Marla

Thanks for sharing this - I tried last year, but it was stressful and I felt my creative ideas completely sucked out of me. I never got to 50,000. I was not aware of the summer version - thanks!


Thanks for sharing your experience with NaNo. It sounds like you've waited until the right time to go for it...let us know how things went for you!

Appreciate you stopping by,
Coach Marla

Thank you for the post. I agree NaNoWriMo is more for those younger, without the load of family and a more demanding work life. For me, NaNoWriMo just did not fit in with my writing goals. After years of putting it off, I am at last ready to write my premier novel. With my published Dad and Grandmother to cheer me on I am confident it is my season to meet the challenge. Glad to read your take on why NaNoWriMo is not for everyone, but may be a good source for some. Cheers to you!

Hi Lynn, thanks for your comment. I see you're in the Philippines - how cool.

I'm glad I've given you permission to say no to what doesn't work for you. Don't let that be the end of it though...

If a novel isn't your "thing," what is? What kind of writing project does interest you, and where can you find a community of others working on the same things?

Coach Marla

THANK YOU for this post! I've tried doing NaNoWriMo before and found that it's just not something I need to do, mainly because producing a novel isn't really high on my list of things to do. Surprisingly, I've had a couple of people ask me if I'm doing it and actually question whether or not I'm a 'real writer' when I tell them no.

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