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November 23, 2011


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I'm glad the post helped out! Thanks for taking time to leave a comment & hope your week's a good one.

Coach Marla

Daphne, thanks for the sleep app recommendation. Sounds really interesting!

Insomnia's actually rare for me...so rare that my recent instance became a "bloggable moment." :)

Here's to a restful, creative & productive day!
-Coach Marla

Thanks so much for this - not just for me but also for a really good friend who's going through some tough times right now. Great timing!

Thanks again,

Do you have an iPhone? If so, I highly recommend getting an Ap called Sleep Cycle. (I collect no affiliate fee for this -- and, besides, it's all of 99 cents!!) You set your alarm (I choose very gentle music) and it wakes you up within half an hour of your selected time. It's able to judge your sleep cycle and pick the time that's best for you. It's BRILLIANT. I get lots of writing done every morning and this really helps me!

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