I'm usually a chirpy, early riser. If I didn't share a cozy cabin-of-a-house with my husband, kid and cat, I'm quite certain I would wake up singing. Literally.
But yesterday morning?
No way.
I'd been up late the night before, working myself into wakefulness fretting about a few people I love, rewriting reality to suit me better (good luck with that one, right?), stressing out over my big to-do list and worrying over a big organizing project I'd been putting off.
Then I turned my attention to my daughter's immediate and far-off future. I freaked out about it all--for no good reason at all.
And when my alarm went off the next day, I was not chirpy. Or "sing-y."
I was grumpy.
And I really couldn't afford to be. I had a sweet family to breakfast with and a full schedule of private clients to coach once I left the house.
I needed to get out of the "stuck place" so I could move on with my day.
Playing "Ten Things"
Life and meditation and coaching have taught me to take perspective when I'm feeling hijacked by fear or anxiety. Rather than buy into the negativity and let it immobilize me, most of the time I try to gently shift my thinking.
One of the simplest way I know is to play "Ten Things I'm Grateful For."
Sp yesterday I stayed in bed 5 extra minutes, doing my best to survey my life and all the great things in it.
"One, I'm grateful for my healthy body…"
(Playing "10 Things" always feels a bit awkward at first. Usually don't let myself quit until I get to ten.)
"Two, I'm grateful for my family…"
I don't know how this game works, but it does.
By the time I got to Number 10, I didn't feel perfect. But I felt a little suprised at all the good stuff.
And I felt better!
…Good enough to greet my little daughter and sleepy husband with kindness.
…Good enough to coach my clients.
…Good enough to write a few short pieces that really needed to be written.
…Good enough to draft this post for you.
I'm not promising your obstacles will melt away magically. But a heart filled with gratitude has a little more agility, a little more ability to move freely and respond to life in helpful ways.
When you need to write but are feeling too antsy or afraid of the page, try practicing gratitude by playing "Ten Things." Try it, too, when you're driving home from work or waiting in line at the grocery store. Ask your lover or friend to play along with you.
You deserve a happy heart.
Lovely Links for Writers
In the spirit of feeling great about your life and writing, I wanted to share a few links to help you reconnect to your writing happy place -- that wonderful space where gratitude and possibility meet...
Writing to Change the World - Carolyn Rubenstein
Become a Better Writer by Practicing Gratitude - Jeff Goins
3 Ways to Recharge Your Writing Dream - (mine)
Grateful? Now, go do something. - Judy Stone-Goodman
Enjoy your day and thanks for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts and comments below.
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I'm glad the post helped out! Thanks for taking time to leave a comment & hope your week's a good one.
Coach Marla
Posted by: Marla | November 29, 2011 at 03:33 PM
Daphne, thanks for the sleep app recommendation. Sounds really interesting!
Insomnia's actually rare for me...so rare that my recent instance became a "bloggable moment." :)
Here's to a restful, creative & productive day!
-Coach Marla
Posted by: Marla | November 29, 2011 at 03:32 PM
Thanks so much for this - not just for me but also for a really good friend who's going through some tough times right now. Great timing!
Thanks again,
Posted by: Ffion Llwyd-Jones | November 27, 2011 at 03:08 AM
Do you have an iPhone? If so, I highly recommend getting an Ap called Sleep Cycle. (I collect no affiliate fee for this -- and, besides, it's all of 99 cents!!) You set your alarm (I choose very gentle music) and it wakes you up within half an hour of your selected time. It's able to judge your sleep cycle and pick the time that's best for you. It's BRILLIANT. I get lots of writing done every morning and this really helps me!
Posted by: Daphne Gray-Grant | November 24, 2011 at 06:40 AM